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Shortbread in A Ceramic Mold


Say what you will but not all shortbread is created equal. I have my go to tender, delicious press it into fans or fingers shortbread recipe. It uses a portion of cornstarch. It's perfect, mostly. 

I used to have a pottery shortbread mold which I never had much success getting a pretty pressed cookie from so I wasn't too disappointed when the cat knocked it off the basement shelf onto the concrete floor. I picked up the broken pieces and didn't give it much of a thought. 

Since then, however, I've had a bit of a crush on traditional pretty cookies. I've bought many different waffle cookie makers, electric and stovetop, if I see one at the thrift store or get on a tear, I'll bring them home or buy one new. I've bought a few cookie presses too. Today I caught sight a ceramic/pottery shortbread mold for a $1.91 at the thrift store. 

There's a balance between getting a good impression and having good flavor. I want 100% butter but the moisture (as opposed to shortening) can steam out and soften an edge. So I needed a dryer dough and nothing soft like cornstarch. Below is the recipe that perfectly filled my mold.

8 ounces butter

7 ounces powdered sugar

14 ounces flour

pinch of kosher salt

a tiny bit of vanilla

Beat the butter until soft. Add the sugar and blend. Into that add the flour, salt and vanilla. It will be crumbly but if you squeeze it, it should clump. Dump it all into the mold and from the center to the edge press it out. I used the back of a spoon to really press it hard and smooth the bottom. Dock with a fork (to allow the steam out). Bake for 30 mInutes at 350 derees. Allow to cool 3 minutes then flip out of the mold. Cut while warm. Cool completely. 

This makes 8 big wedge cookies. I cut the again, which isn’t as pretty but sometimes bigger isn’t better.