Pumpkin Butter Mochi
Little pumpkin baking until soft.
I can't even tell you how or why I made this recipe the first time. I can, however, tell you that Malai lost her mind. Maybe I was making a gluten-free dessert. Maybe I was finishing off some glutinous rice flour. There are a few things I bake that she remembers wistfully and these are them. I know I've made them more than once. Maybe this is the fourth time. I thought it time to take the recipe and put it here for my own record.
This time I baked a pumpkin to start with. You know one of those "$1 pie pumpkins". Not my favorite baking pumpkin, but better than can and certainly nice for the size. Bigger ones mean I have to bake more pie.
Here it is:
Bake pumpkin, get as close to 28 ounces cooked flesh when done.
1 cup butter, melted
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
1-14 ounces can sweeten condensed milk
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/2 cups glutinous rice flour
2 tsp. baking powder
350 degrees, 13x9 greased pan
Puree the pumpkin while it's warm, process until smooth. Add butter and sugar. Whirl until the butter is melted. (If using canned pumpkin or cooled pumpkin, melt the butter before adding.) Add the eggs, making sure the pumpkin mixture is not too hot, sweetened condensed milk, and vanilla. In a large bowl (or if your processor is large enough, add the rice flour and baking powder in the bowl) combine the wet ingredients with the flour and baking powder. Pour into prepared pan. Bake for 60 minutes. Cool and cut into squares.
Pumpkin Mochi with fresh pumpkin.